Friday, May 13, 2011

Vote Vote Vote!

Hey guys!

As many of you already know - we are currently in the running for a $25,000 grant from Pepsi! The 15 most popular grants are funded, and right now we're sitting around #30. We've made some significant progress since we started about 2 weeks ago, moving up from 179th to 50th to 30th. We've actually made it up to position #25 for a half a day before dropping back down to our more comfortable 30th position. While 30th is not a terrible position - obviously we'd rather be 15th.

So, for these last 2 weeks - at the risk of burning us all out - let's push this hard! Let's vote everyday all 3 ways! Talk to you friends about it - get Grandma to put it on the prayer chain, get inspired. We can do this!


3 ways to Vote:
1) Text 106058 to 73774
2) Vote using your facebook account at
3) Vote using your e-mail account at

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