Sunday, June 19, 2011

Adventure Club!

As part of Summer School at the Dream Center Academy this year, students have been able to choose an extra-curricular elective - one of their options this year guessed it...The Adventure Institute. We are running a class called 'Outdoor Fitness' with 5 kids. So far (3 weeks in) it has been great! We do classroom learning 2x's a week, outdoor workouts 2x's a week, and on Friday's we have an adventure. This week it was rappelling. My camera showed up with a dead battery, so these are cell phone pictures, sorry for the bad quality...

Setting up the rappel at Stoney Point
Yup, still in LA...(hard to believe)
Joanna wanted to go towards the beginning - she was afraid she wouldn't go at all if she didn't...

Amber initially refused to come at all, though after some gentle prodding was so excited about it that she went twice!
This picture is for Owen's mom. She had a hard time believing that her son would want to be outside, much less doing stuff like this! He was loving it! It's great to see the transformation that takes place in these kids - meek to bold, scared to courageous, quitters to fighters...

On a recent run Joanna mentioned that she had never been tree climbing before! That took immediate priority and this picture was taken about 30 seconds later :)

As you can see, our little Adventure Institute is off to a great start! Thanks for your support!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

End of an Era

Yes, friends and family it is the end of an Era, an epoch, an age. The time has come for me to stop sending you all spam. I know its sad, and you will miss my mass messages very much, but we must try to move on...

So last month, you guys were fantastic at supporting, re-posting and tweeting, etc. the buzz about the Pepsi Project we were working on. For the first two weeks or so we were doing great - up to 25th place! Then we started floating like a rock...down to 46th place by the end. I don't know if our support dropped off or if everyone else just started bringing out their "A" game, but it is what it is.

After everything, I really feel like we're walking away from this experience with a "win"! This has been a great chance to get the word out about what we're doing, what our dreams our, and what we hope to move towards in the future. It's been incredible to see the support and feel the love that we received from everyone voting for this project. A couple new contacts have been made with people that have similar dreams and passions - and we really feel the Lord opening up some doors to make this happen. You guys are the greatest!

Now that this Pepsi Project is over I will no longer be spamming you. If you'd like to stay connected to the 'goings-on' of AI join our page on FB, sign up for the newsletter at, or follow our twitter @AdventureInst.

Also, If you'd like to be involved financially, or have used gear to donate (with some life left in it) let us know! We need backpacks, boots, climbing harnesses, climbing shoes, tents, sleeping bags, pads, etc. If you've got stuff you'd like to donate we may even be able to reimburse you for shipping!

You guys are the greatest!
Thanks so much for the support!

~Team Potter